Welcome to the Prayer Chapel
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.
1 Timothy 2:1

What is the Prayer Chapel?
Welcome to the Prayer Chapel! The Prayer Chapel exists as a space for intercession. Intercession is a form of prayer that involves standing in the gap for another person or party.
How do I pray?
- You are welcome to utilize the speaker to play worship music if that helps you to engage with the Lord. You can access our worship playlist HERE.
- Position your body in a manner that helps you to focus on God. For some, that requires kneeling, and for others, that may include walking and praying.
- Invite the Lord to quiet your mind. Psalms 46:10 says: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
- Follow the lead of the Holy Spirit while you pray.
- We have provided multiple prayer points below.
How do I access the Prayer Chapel?
Email prayerchapel@thegate.cc to request access. We will do our best to respond in a timely manner.
Prayer Points
Revival in Franklin & Middle Tennessee
Pray for revival in Franklin and middle Tennessee. Pray for a move of God in our region. Pray that His Spirit would pour out amongst us.
Our Nation
Pray for our country. Pray that the Spirit of God would draw people to Himself. Pray for our leaders.
The Nations
Pray for the Nations. Pray that the Lord would be exalted. Pray for a specific country or people group to know that He is God.
YWAM Bible Translation Project
Pray for the translation project and those laboring for it. Pray for the provision, protection, and effectiveness of the project.
For more information, click the button below.
Gate Missionaries
Pray for our missionaries to have supernatural inroads to the places God is calling them. Pray for the missionaries to have clarity and wisdom, the leading of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the people they are ministering to. Pray for God to not only encounter the people but to establish Himself and His ministry among the people. Pray for protection and provision for their families and ministries.
To pray for specific missionaries and their ministries, visit our Missions page https://www.thegate.cc/missions/.
Messenger Fellowship
The Gate is more than a part of Membership Fellowship, it is a central hub.
Pray for God’s clarity of vision and direction for the leadership. Pray for unity and strong community among the members. Pray for God to mature what has already been birthed, and for God to bring forth new things in this next season.
For more information on Messenger Fellowship, click the button below.
Gate Staff
Pray for the staff of The Gate.
For a list of staff members, click the button below.
Gate Church Body
Pray for the people of The Gate. Pray for individuals and needs represented. Pray for the unity and body life of The Gate.
For a list of current needs in the church, click the button below.
Next Gen
Pray for the next generation, the children and youth in our church, city, and nation. Pray for them to be captivated and transformed by the love of God. Pray for boldness. Pray for protection. Pray for discernment. Pray for deliverance. Pray for Next Gen leaders, for wisdom and divine strategy on how to minister to our children and youth.

Join us nightly in the Prayer Chapel from 6:30-8pm
Week 1: Jan 1-7
Drawing Near to Christ
(Intimacy and Desire, Worship
Quietness and Rest, Communion)