Marine Reach and Impact Ministry, Vanuatu

This photo was taken during one of our programs called “Klass Blong Ol Mama”. It is a program we run to provide expectant moms with education on pregnancy, delivery, and newborn care. One of the goals of the program is to help the expectant moms develop into a support group that will provide them with ongoing support in their community. In this photo we are playing a game where each participant says something that is true about themselves. If the same thing is true about another participant in the group then she goes and links arms with the first participant. This continues until all the participants are linked together in a circle. This exercise is a fun way to demonstrate that regardless of our backgrounds, we can always find things that link us together and make us stronger. Finding strength in community is a key part of life in Vanuatu, especially for single mothers.
About the Artist:
Mary Johns is a local interior designer. She has been dabbling in many different kinds of art forms since she was a child. Her husband is a carpenter so her latest self-made challenge is to create art out of fabric on wood. Which is what she did with this piece, “Arm in Arm.”
About the Painting:
The inspiration for “Arm in Arm” was based upon the photograph of women under a pacific island hut linking arms with Anna Huntington (formerly Anna Harris). Arm in Arm is a wonderful testimony to the power of one women’s impact by caring for those she has been sent to serve.
Colson & Anna Huntington
Marine Reach Vanuatu
Impact Ministry, Vanuatu
Anna is working as the director for Marine Reach Vanuatu. Marine Reach Vanuatu is part of the Youth With a Mission movement and exists to disciple the nation of Vanuatu to know God and walk in His ways. MRV’s mission is to serve the people of Vanuatu by demonstrating God’s love and values through providing medical and dental care, community and personal development, and skills-based programs.
Colson is the co-founder for Impact Ministry Vanuatu. Impact Ministry Vanuatu trains young men in practical skills and discipleship. Impact Ministry’s focus is to reach those who have not been given traditional education options and see them develop their skills and character towards a better future.