Genius of Jesus

Watch the VIDEOS below for insight into Jesus. You may be surprised by what you hear!

Join a DISCUSSION GROUP and bring your feedback or questions from the videos.

Ask ANY QUESTIONS by submitting the form below and choose how you would like to be contacted.

The Genius of Jesus Videos

These videos take Jesus’ earliest recorded teachings out of Matthew chapter 5 and reveal the genius of how Jesus captivated His audience then and now with unexpected insight into the starting place of a healthy, fulfilled life.

Watch the first video for a short introduction to this series.


We are working on coordinating 1-hour discussion groups meeting weekly over Zoom based on the Genius of Jesus videos.

Please check back for Dates & Times!


If you have a question you’d like answered (whether from the videos or not), please fill out the form below and select how you would like to be contacted.

*All fields are optional. Please provide the information you would like us to have.