
Though the roof has fallen and the ground is covered in debris, it is a beautiful depiction of God working in new ways in France. There is a rich heritage of faith here, a saint for every day, a church for every village. That heritage cannot be denied and must be honored. But for many in France, the church represents something of condemnation, judgement, and rigid religious practices, and as an institution, it has largely been abandoned by the upcoming generations. Only with the slow destruction of what was can God’s light and life shine through. Behold, He is doing a new thing in our midst! New life is pushing forth and a different looking church is taking root amongst the ruins.
This bride is bruised and full of holes, she stands as a remnant and a new offering, veiled in the lace of His light, she waits for her Bridegroom.
About the Artist:
Joanna Appel is a missionary artist in Normandy, France (see above) She specializes in painting in acrylics and oils, and enjoys using bold colors and layering words and scripture into her paintings.
Appel Family
Caen, France
The Appel Family (Tom, Joanna, Reuben 11, Eleazar 11, Silas, 10, Elodie 7) is a family on mission, coming alongside the work that God is already doing here in and around the city of Caen, in Normandy France. Our ministry leans into the arts, music and hospitality to build relationships with our neighbors and bring people closer to Jesus. Follow along with us